Sean J. Liu

Email: seanliu AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu

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About Me

I am a postdoc fellow in CMU's Generative Intelligence Lab, working with Professor Jun-Yan Zhu. I completed my Ph.D in computer science at Stanford with Professor Maneesh Agrawala. My research interests lie at the intersection of generative AI, computer graphics, and HCI. I'm interested in enhancing user control for image and video editing using generative models and designing new content creation tools to bridge gaps in visual perception and attention. In 2015, I received a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from UC Berkeley, where I did research in geometric modeling with Professor Carlo H. Séquin.


Sean J. Liu
Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University 2023. PDF (low-res)
Large, “7-Around” Hyperbolic Disks
Sean J. Liu, Young Kim, Raymond Shiau and Carlo H. Séquin
Bridges 2015: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. July 2015. pp. 391-394.
PDF | PDF w/ Extended Report | Slides | Supplemental Files ZIP | BibTeX

Winter 2023 (Stanford)
Fall 2022 (Stanford)
Fa 2021- Sp 2022 (Stanford)
Spring 2021 (Stanford)
Fa 2013 - Sp 2014
(UC Berkeley)